Dear God
Then an agnostic, Jimmy often sought divine intervention for solace, hoping for salvation from an adversity that was holding him under water with its very hand. He went to a Chinese temple, and received a divination lot whose words timely and uplifting spoke to him. It also told of the coming of a saviour, born under the golden rooster zodiac, who would heal Shaun. Like a nosy reporter encroaching on the personal lives of celebrities, Jimmy began asking every doctor, every nurse, every person that crossed Shaun’s path for his or her birth sign. No luck. The saviour had not yet revealed himself.
During Shaun’s frequent hospital stays, many people of all religions came and prayed for him, including a Christian youth group from the Church of Ascension that heard of his plight through his principal. The youth pastor and his members would visit Shaun often, helping him with ablutions, waiting till he was lucid before singing and praying with him. “As they sang, Shaun would drum his fingers to the music, his eyes closed, a smile on his face. That one smile would make my entire day. Their love flowed through Shaun, and it was greater than any pain he felt.”
Then, upon the recommendation of his relatives, Jimmy went to see a highly-revered master. “At our first meeting, the master said he saw that the spirit of a young boy was following Shaun, and asked if Shaun had witnessed any accident before.” Then, the master prophesied that Shaun would be okay, if he had a mole on his back. There it was, a hitherto insignificant, barely-visible mole, that Jimmy found as he lifted his son’s shirt. Now so utterly imbued with hope, Jimmy asked the master about his zodiac sign. “Golden rooster,” came the answer, and at that Jimmy swelled with elation. This God with whom he had no relationship had answered his prayer. Everything was going to be okay: Shaun would be the miracle who survives last-stage cancer.