Alden Boon

Bingz Huang on Navigating the World as a Highly Sensitive Person, Energy Healing and Gentleness



What about relationships? What if a family member is being critical?

It depends on your tolerance level and relationship with this person. Take for example my utterance of the word ‘mother’. Even without any context, we will all have a different reaction to it. Sometimes, our defences kick in. So, there is already some emotional connection within us that can be released and processed.

My kids’ negative actions, for example, trigger my emotions. When they are being loud and rowdy, I tend to get angry with them. Sometimes I yell at them even when I don’t mean to. The reason I get triggered is because their behaviours are different from my own — I grew up with my younger sister, and we are used to playing quietly. I need quietude as an HSP. Also, their actions sometimes contradict with the way I was brought up. But at the end of the day, I will do a reflection. It’s good to revisit my own world view, and how it differs from my kids’. They just need more reminders. I think what’s most important is mending your energetic relationship with a person. After a scolding, am I still able to go and hug my children, kiss them goodnight and make peace? If not, then there’s something deeper and I know that the anger has to do with more than this one interaction. When you’re energetically aware, you know you are bound to lose your temper. It is very normal. And when you have that perspective, it becomes easier to do the inner work. You become tuned in, and become calmer and conscious of the need to periodically release your inner energy.

How do you cope with being an HSP who feels too much?

If you keep using your brain to decipher what you’re feeling, then you’re not living your life properly or living out your joy. Energy healing helps me to tune in better. I’m finding that it’s easier to focus on how I influence people. It also helps me to practise energy hygiene so whenever I feel a build-up of negative energy, I can take action to release it. And I don’t have to wait till I’m overwhelmed before I do something about it. This is why I like to use my human design chart, because it shows me the parts I’m sensitive to as well as the areas where I shine, like a lighthouse.

Take us through energy healing.

I’m into passive energy healing. Our natural healing abilities are enhanced when our energetic flows are improved. When you are in a naturally allowing state, with that state and you are observing the blockages, it’s easier for the blocks to untangle themselves, so that the flow is improved. You’re allowing the block to release and unwind by being in an observant state.

The practitioner is in the allowing state. As the practitioner, I thus have to be on a higher vibrational level by relaxing more, by feeling more open in my energy field. And so, when I connect to you, my openness will inspire you to open up even more. And that’s how healing happens. It’s like what I said earlier about being in the presence of transformational coaches and teachers — it’s not about the words they use; it’s about the way they speak. They just resonate with you. Just being in their presence can be very cathartic.

And what is a human design chart? How does it work?

Founded by Ra Uru Hu, the Human Design System is a synthesis of several modalities. In 1987, he had a mystical experience and heard a voice; the experience lasted for eight days and nights. For the next two decades, he’d devote his life to the development and teaching of this system. The human design chart’s generated based on your birthday data. It’s quite fascinating because when I give readings to people who are very self-aware, they are always very surprised by the accuracy.

Around seventy per cent of the population are Generators and Manifesting Generators, twenty per cent Projectors, nine per cent Manifestors and one per cent Reflectors. The Generators and Manifesting Generators are the doers who receive a lot of satisfaction from doing work that they enjoy.  As for the Projectors, they are meant to guide others into maximising their success. They have more clarity in how others can use their energies more effectively, but they lack that clarity for themselves. Manifestors have plenty of ideas and they are the ones who start the ball rolling. Reflectors reflect the health of their communities.

The chart is more of a self-awareness tool. For every energy type, there’s a strategy to help you find optimal alignment.

Why is being aligned with ourselves important?

Because when we are aligned with ourselves, we can derive more satisfaction in our lives. We know what the optimal opportunity for us to tap into our potential is, and we also know the right definition of success for us. That said, it’s not a rigid destiny cast in stone. It’s meant to be an energetic structure, so if we use it cognitively and obsessively, then it is not going to work well. It needs to be embodied rather than just being an encyclopaedia for navigating life.

Given that it uses birth data, I reckon it is similar to astrology, the Chinese Four Pillars of Destiny and the like. Could we do a simple analysis?

Sure, let’s do a basic analysis.

[Editor’s note: Bingz and I did not know each other prior to the interview, so she has no inkling about my life, passion and whatnot.]

The coloured parts are your defined energy centres. They represent your consistent relationships: how others see you, regardless of whom you are with, where you are, and of what’s happening in the world. The centres shine like a lighthouse: it’s how you radiate to others. The white parts are the open energy centres. They change with the environment you’re in or the company you’re with. These external influences change the energy you sense in your open centres.

You are a Generator. You are a doer, a worker, and you love spending time and energy doing work consistently, provided it is work that you truly enjoy. You can feel it in your sacral centre. This energy centre acts like an energy motor — when you’re doing work you enjoy, you will have the energy to work for hours without having to rest much. It’s easy for you to spend hours working on your passion project without rest, and there is immense satisfaction when doing it.

That’s how I am whenever I’m writing the stories for this magazine, even though I’m not making any money off it (yet). Go on.

Your profile is 6/2. Line 6 is the Role Model. There are three main phases: from the ages of zero to twenty-eight, twenty-eight to fifty, and then beyond. The first twenty-eight years of your life, you are just going through life, going through a process of trial and error. You are collecting your life experiences. After Saturn Return, you are now up on the rooftop, observing everyone else, and trying to learn how others are living their lives. You’re trying to see what you can learn from all the others. Because you are in a detached mode, you will have less motivation to form new relationships. Because your perspective is objective, you have a lot of wisdom. Around the age of fifty, something eventful will take place that prompts you to come down from the rooftop. This is when you are ready to mingle with people and present your authentic self, without caring too much about how others will judge you or criticise you. You will feel safe sharing your wisdom.

Your unconscious line is the Hermit. As a Hermit, you need a lot of alone time and can become absorbed in your own process. Whenever you allow yourself to play in your alone time without feeling self-conscious, it gets easier for you to show your talents, which emerge with ease. You are also naturally gifted at whatever new skill you want to pick up. It’s much harder for you to try and initiate relationships. It’s so much easier if you allow yourself to get called out into new relationships. In moments you find yourself hiding away from others, people will notice you are missing, and they will try to find you.

As a 6/2, you hold high standards for yourself and you have big goals.

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Alden Boon
Alden Boon is a Quarter-finalist in PAGE International Screenwriting Awards. When he's not busy writing, he pretends he is Gandalf.